12 Chapters That Will Make Your Commissions Skyrocket
What's in this ebook?
This book has but one purpose, and that is to make you a more successful and more productive mortgage broker. Whether you are in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia or South Africa the content is applicable to Mortgage Professionals world-wide in their quest for more clients. This book covers the following...
Dealing with enquirers How you go about efficiently converting them, why it is currently taking you far more time than it should to convert them into submissions, and how we can cut that amount of time in half.
The initial phone call with a potential prospect.
Exactly what to look for when you go prospecting for more leads and referrals.
How to make sure that you receive a maximum number of rewarding referrals for your time spent prospecting.
If you think that you work too hard for the commission level you are receiving, then there is one simple solution: you need more clients. If you feel that your pipeline of prospects is small, then I assure you that this book is for you.