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Advice to Mortgage Brokers who are finding it hard to get clients - and how to fix to the problem. 

The Full Process: How To Get Clients From Stranger, To Lead, To Call, To Client In 48hrs

I have been involved in mentoring and coaching Mortgage Brokers for the past 20 years.


Eight of my Mortgage Broker clients currently earn over $1,000,000 per year.


In just the last 3 years, I have mentored 31 Mortgage Brokers to earn over $300,000 per year.


I know exactly what Mortgage Brokers need to do to increase their loan numbers. Turning a Mortgage Brokers' sales results around is done simply by changing a handful of things.


If you love being a Mortgage Broker, but are frustrated with not having enough clients, I have a solution for you!


The Mortgage Sales business is an awesome business to be in. If you consider just how many homes in any given area have a mortgage on them, you will quickly come to terms with how big the opportunity is to earn a lot of money from selling Mortgages.


Yet the average earnings of a Mortgage Broker is just $58,000. In fact, only 7% of all Brokers earn over $100,000 per year.




Most use sales and marketing practices that are 10 to 20 years old. Most Brokers do not have a sure fire way of filling their diary with appointments. Most don’t know what marketing strategies work and what doesn’t work and so waste much of their time doing things that take more out of them than what they get in return. – They just keep doing the same thing each day and expect a different result. – And it’s not going to happen that way!


I have made it my life’s passion to coach and mentor Mortgage Brokers who are frustrated with their loan volumes and help them to turn their results around inside of 42 days. 


If you don’t know how to sell, if you don’t know how to effectively prospect, if you don’t know how to market the value of what you bring to a client’s life, then you are allowing some other competitor to take your opportunities away from you.


So, the remedy to that is quite simple in principle.


Your goal must be to learn about what you can do to draw in a consistent number of people who want to buy a Mortgage today. You must learn how to position yourself in front of a consistent number of people who are going to buy a Mortgage anyway – whether it’s from you, your competitor or directly from a lender. And learning how to do that – is the key to your success.


Free webinar training


This week, I am hosting a series of free webinars where I will explain exactly what a Mortgage Broker needs to change to earn over $100,000 without working more hours. And, I can assure you it has nothing to do with cold calling, countless unproductive Real Estate Agent meetings, letterbox drops or joining networking groups.


It is a process of following a step by step proven process that works. It is all about attracting people who were going to buy a Mortgage today anyway and getting in front of them before anyone else does.


This training is the real deal. In the past Mortgage Sales people, have paid me anywhere from $4,500 - $25,000 to access similar information. However, I have decided to distill this same information down into a webinar and offer a shorter version of the training to Mortgage Loan Originators for free.


In this webinar, I will introduce you to 3 of my clients who have doubled their loan volumes through implementing some of my strategies. They will inspire you that you can have the same outcome as them. You will learn about what 3 key features you need to concentrate on so that you can close 10 – 25 sales every month.


Each webinar is only available to 50 people, so to claim your seat in a session that suits you click on the button below to claim your seat.


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